澳洲未独立子女445签证 澳洲境外101子女签证 澳洲境内802子女签证 亲属担保孤儿117签证(永久签证) 亲属担保孤儿837签证 澳洲境外收养子女永久签证 澳洲父母团聚移民签证 澳洲 804 签证申请要求及申请方式 澳洲父母(境外)移民签证 澳洲境内年迈父母付费临时签证申请条件 澳洲境内年迈父母付费永久性签证介绍(864签证) 澳洲境外父母付费临时签证(173签证) 澳洲境外父母付费永久性签证(143签证) 澳洲配偶担保移民签证(partner)申请简介 澳洲配偶(境内)移民签证 澳洲准婚姻(境外)签证 澳洲境内护工签证 澳州护工签证116类(境外申请) 最后家庭成员(境外)移民签证 最后家庭成员(境内)移民签证 澳洲年老受照顾类签证

444特殊类别签证是临时性签证,是为新西兰公民准备的。它允许新西兰公民在澳洲旅游、工作、学习。 > The Special Category visa (subclass 444) is a temporary visa that lets you stay and work in Australia as long as you remain a New Zealand citizen.

1. 申请条件(Application Requirement)


  • 为新西兰公民且不持有任何签证
  • 出示现行的新西兰护照
  • are not behaviour concern non-citizen or health concern non-citizen. > “behaviour concern non-citizen ” means a non-citizen who has been convicted of one or more crimes that have resulted in sentences of imprisonment that add up to at least one year, or previously removed from Australia, or previously removed or deported from another country; > > “health concern non-citizen ” means a non-citizen who is suffering from a prescribed disease or a prescribed physical or mental condition.

  • 满足健康及无犯罪要求

  • 提供生物识别信息(一种科学的身份识别形式) > You might be asked to provide biometrics (a scientific form of identification) as part of the application. Countries and visa subclasses included in the biometrics program has more information.

2. 申请流程(Application Process)



  • 到达澳大利亚时不持有任何签证
  • 出示有效的新西兰护照
  • 完成澳大利亚入境卡


满足以下特定情况: - 在抵达澳大利亚后获得新西兰公民身份 - 以非新西兰护照进入澳大利亚 - 持其他即将到期的临时签证在进入澳大利亚

If you hold a visa that has a ‘no further application’ condition you are barred from applying for the Special Category visa while you remain in Australia.

3. 费用(Cost)



4. 签证周期

