澳洲留学生工作许可-Work conditions for student visa holders
- If you were granted a Student visa on or after 26 April 2008, you and your dependent family members will already have permission to work included with your visa.
- If you were granted a Student visa before 26 April 2008 and have not yet applied for permission to work, you and your dependent family members may only apply for Permission to Work after you have started your course in Australia.
获得工作许可的留学生 Students granted permission to work
- 对社区有益的;
- 为非盈利机构工作;
- 并非为获得相应酬劳的;
- 实质性志愿者类工作的;
- 持有574(硕士签证)且已经开始了硕士研究课程,或者是博士签证的持有人,对于工作时间没有要求;
- 持有574(硕士签证),在基础课程期间可以不限定工作时间;
You cannot work until you have commenced your course in Australia. Once your course has commenced you are permitted to work a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight when your course is in session, and unlimited hours when your course is not in session.
- Work that is a formal registered part of your course is not included in the limit of 40 hours per fortnight.
- If you are doing voluntary, unpaid work, it is not included in the limit of 40 hours per fortnight if it:
- is of benefit to the community
- is for a non-profit organisation
- would not otherwise be undertaken in return for wages by an Australian resident (that is, it is a designated volunteer position), and
- is genuinely voluntary (that is, no remuneration, either in cash or kind is received—board and lodging acceptable).
- If you are a subclass 574 (Postgraduate research sector) student visa holder and you have commenced your masters by research or doctoral degree in Australia, there is no limit on the number of hours you may work.
- You can work a maximum of 40 hours per fortnight during any preliminary courses you undertake on a subclass 574 (Postgraduate research sector) student visa.
- 1周:15小时
- 2周:25小时
- 3周:25小时
- 4周:10小时
An example of how 40 hours a fortnight is calculated: After their course has commenced, a student visa holder works the following numbers of hours over a four week period:
- week 1 15 hours work
- week 2 25 hours work
- week 3 25 hours work
- week 4 10 hours work.
In the fortnight comprising weeks 1 and 2 above (40 hours worked in that 14 day period) or in the fortnight comprising weeks 3 and 4 above (35 hours worked in that 14 day period), the work condition is not breached. However, the student visa holder has breached their work condition in the fortnight comprising weeks 2 and 3 above (50 hours worked in that 14 day period). Students found to have breached their work conditions may be subject to cancellation of their visa.
可以申请工作的家庭成员 Dependent family members granted permission to work
- 学生在澳洲课程开始之前,家庭成员不能在澳开始工作;
- 学生攻读硕士和博士学位的-持有573(高等教育签证),574(硕士签证)576(外交部或者国防部学生签证),其家庭成员可以不限制工作时间;
每两周的定义 What is fortnight
留学课程还在进行中的情况When is your course in session?
- 课程没有完成,包括最后课程测评的时间;
- 已经完成了课程的学习,但是学生签证仍然在有效期内的;
- 同时修双学位,辅修学位对主要课程产生一定影响的;
We consider your course to be ‘in session’:
- for the duration of the advertised semesters, including examination periods
- if you have completed your studies and your Confirmation of Enrolment is still valid (with the exception of masters by research or PhD students who have submitted their thesis for marking)
- when you are undertaking another course, during a break from your main course and points from that course will be credited to your main course.
可以通过Visa Entitlement Verification Online(VEVO)或许更多的相关信息,可以在网上了解签证细节。
VEVO链接: http://www.border.gov.au/vevo
税号 Tax file number
Tax file number: https://www.ato.gov.au/taxprofessionals/content.asp?doc=/content/64067.htm
How To Apply For Dependant Family Members To Join You
- 学生签证申请期间包含家庭成员,详情见 Finda a Visa
- 学生签证已经获签且学生已经开始在澳学习的,在这之后可以进行申请;
- 申请过程中需要说明所有的家庭成员,即便不随行去澳洲。否则,家庭成员将没有资格进行申请。特殊情况是,如果在学生签证获签之后,某些人才成为你的家庭成员可以在未提前说明的情况下进行申请;
- 提供和家庭成员的关系证明,比如出生证明或者结婚证等等;
- 提供足够的资金,证明可以支持家庭成员来澳的基本开销(例如配偶,子女等),即便他们不随行去澳洲。详见Student visa livinig costs and evidence of funds
- 家庭成员需要符合特定的要求,包括健康和无犯罪要求等;
- 如果申请被评定为3级,课程学习为12个月甚至更长时间,在特定的情况下家庭各成员可以陪同;详见Bringing Family
You can apply for eligible family members to come to Australia as dependants in one of two ways:
- by including them in your student visa application
- See Find a visa.
- by applying for them to join you after you have been granted your student visa to study in Australia.
- You must declare all family members on your application, even if they do not plan to travel with you to Australia. If you do not do this, your family members will not be eligible for the grant of student visas as your dependants to join you in Australia. An exception to this is if they became your family members after your student visa was granted and before a subsequent application is made.
- You must provide proof of your relationship to each family member such as officially issued birth and marriage certificates.
- You must also demonstrate that you have enough money to support the members of your family unit such as your spouse or dependent child, even if they do not plan to travel with you to Australia. See Student visa living costs and evidence of funds.
- Your family members must meet specific requirements to be eligible for a student visa as your dependants. These include genuine temporary entrant, health and character requirements.
- If you are subject to assessment level three, your family members are only eligible to accompany you to Australia if your course is 12 months or longer except under certain circumstances. See Bringing family for more information.
申请过程 Application process
How to apply for dependent family number
Countries and visa subclasses included in the biometrics programme
递交申请材料 Sending documents with your application
- Form919学生家属提名;
- Form157A学生签证申请;
- 留学学校的邀请信:
- 学习的课程;
- 课程学习的时间;
- 学生是否满足课程要求;
- 足够的资金保证亲属在澳的基本开销;
- 关系证明(出生证明,结婚证明等);
- 学龄家属的入学通知书;
- 亲属的健康体检报告;
Sending documents with your application
If you are applying for your dependants to join you in Australia after you have started your course, you will need to provide the following:
- Form 919 Nomination of student dependants
- Form 157A Application for a student visa
- an original letter from the education provider stating:
- the course you are studying
- the duration of the course and your expected completion date
- if you are satisfying course requirements
- evidence that you have enough money to support your dependants in Australia
- evidence of your relationship with your dependants in the form of officially issued birth and marriage certificates
- evidence of school enrolment for your school-aged dependants
- evidence of health insurance for each dependant.