151澳洲原居民签证(Subcalss 151)
签证适用人群 Who Could get this visa
- 在满18岁之前,有9年的成长时期是在澳洲度过的;
- 在1981年1月之前,在澳大利亚国防军服役;
- 符合健康标准和无犯罪要求;
- 申请可以包含申请人的配偶以及符合申请要求的直接家庭成员;
- 申请人在澳洲境内申请时(当前需要持有持续性签证,或者,在持续性签证过期之前的12个月内申请此类签证),以保证在获签之前需要一直在澳境内;
- 申请人在澳洲境外申请时,在获签之前需要一直在澳境外;
You might be able to get this visa if you meet:
- spent most of your formative years in Australia as a permanent resident
- either the ‘long residence’ requirements or the ‘defence service’ requirements
- health and character requirements.
- If you are in Australia when you apply, you must hold a current substantive visa or apply for this visa within 12 months of your substantive visa expiring.
- The last visa you held must not have been a Transit visa (subclass 771).
- Applying outside Australia: If you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when your visa is granted.
We recommend that you only apply for this visa if you believe you are likely to be successful. If your application is refused or withdrawn, we will not refund you the cost of the visa application.
在澳长期居住Long Residence
- 符合在澳长期居住的条件/标准:
- 年满18周岁之前,有9年的成长时期是在澳洲度过的;
- 申请人年龄需要小于45岁;
- 不是澳洲公民;
- 申请人在澳境外居住期间,仍然与澳洲保持亲密的商务/文化/个人往来的;
- 与在澳亲属往来的信件;
- 频繁入境澳洲的证明;
- 在澳洲拥有财产;
- 与澳洲频繁的经济/商务往来;
To meet the long residence requirement for this visa you must:
- have spent nine years in Australia as a permanent resident before you turned 18 years of age
- be younger than 45 years of age
- have never been an Australian citizen
- have kept close business, cultural or personal ties with Australia during the period you have been living overseas.
Proof of your close business, cultural or personal ties with Australia could include:
- regular correspondence with relatives or friends in Australia
- frequent visits to Australia
- owning property in Australia
- active business interests.
服兵役 Defence Service
- 在澳大利亚国防军服役时间至少3个月时间;
- 在澳大利亚国防军服役时间未满3个月之前,但因为体检不合格而被退役的申请人;
One of the following conditions must apply for you to meet the defence service requirement for this visa:
- you completed at least three months of continuous service in the Australian Defence Force
- you have been discharged from the Australian Defence Force before you completed three months of service, after you became medically unfit because of that service.
在澳大利亚国防军服兵役是指 在以下部门服兵役:
- Military Forces of the Commonwealth under a notice served under section 26 of the National Service Act 1951 as in force at any time before 26 November 1964
- Permanent Forces before 19 January 1981. This includes serving as a member of the armed forces of a foreign country on secondment to or on duty with the Permanent Forces, if you were a permanent resident of Australia during your period of service.
申请中可以包括的家庭成员 Including family in your application
- 申请人的配偶(已婚的/同居关系的);
- 申请人或者申请人配偶的子女;
- other dependent relatives;
You can include the following people in your visa application at the time of lodgement:
- your partner (married or de facto)
- your or your partner’s dependent children
- other dependent relatives.
These family members must meet the requirements for Including family members in your application. They must provide evidence of their relationship to you. This could include marriage certificates, birth certificates, joint bank accounts and other relevant documents.
All your family members must be able to show they meet Australia’s health and character requirements.
需要符合随行家庭成员要求连接: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/151-
申请周期 Visa Processing Times
申请周期连接: http://www.border.gov.au/about/access-accountability/service-standards/visitor-visa-processing-times
申请人的义务 Your Obligations
- 申请人需要在签证规定的日期登陆澳洲;
- 遵守澳洲的法律法规;
- 其他随行家属不得在主申请人入境澳洲之前抵达;
151澳洲原居民签证材料清单 Documents Cheklist
最好在递交申请前提前准备需要的资料,因为某些材料准备周期长,递交材料的Certified Copy件,非英文材料需要提供英文翻译件;非特殊要求无需递交原件,无犯罪证明除外(递交原件);
151 原居民签证表格类材料-Forms
申请中包括的18/大于18岁的其他成员需要填写的: Form47a:http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/47a.pdf
费用 Charges
费用网址链接: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Fees
使用代理 Receving Assistance
Form 956(由代理人或者代理机构完成申请人签字):http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956.pdf
Form 956a(授权别人代替自己接收信件):http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956a.pdf
身份类材料 Your Identity
- 当前护照首页公证件以及申请中其他人的护照首页的公证件(申请人的照片/姓名/出色恒日期/出生地/护照签发日期有效期等等信息的信息页);
- 申请人以及申请包括的其他人的两张近期免冠照(符合澳洲护照尺寸的照片,白底,着深色衣服,长宽比例45mm*35mm,每张照片后需要标注姓名);
Certified copies of the biographical pages of the current passports or travel documents of all people included in the application (these are the pages with the holder’s photo and personal details and the issue/expiry dates).
Two recent passport-sized photographs (45 mm x 35 mm) of each person included in the application.
- These photographs should be of the head and shoulders only against a plain background.
- Print the name of the person on the back of each photograph.
If your name has changed or the name of anyone included in your application has changed: a certified copy of evidence of the name change.
申请人关系的证明文件 Your Relationships
- 结婚证公证件,即便配偶不随行移民;
- 同居关系的情况下:
- 提供证明同居关系的证明材料(银行流水/存储账户/共有财产声明);
- Certified copies of marriage certificates or relationship registrations for you and anyone else included in your application, even if they are not joining you in Australia.
- If you are living in a de facto relationship: independent evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing (for example, joint bank account statements, billing accounts in joint names or joint ownership of major assets).
- If you are living in a de facto relationship: independent evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing (for example, joint bank account statements, billing accounts in joint names or joint ownership of major assets).
申请人子女 Your Children
- 出生证明/全家户口本的Certified Copy件;
- 申请中包括的收养的子女:收养证明的Certified Copy件;
- 随行的小于18周岁的子女,需要提供证明申请人有权带子女随行的证明,例如:
- 法律文件,法院签发的父母监护权文件;
- Statutory declaration: http://www.ag.gov.au/Publications/Documents/CommonwealthStatutorydeclarationform.pdf
- Form1229: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1229.pdf
如果试用1229表格或者法定声明,必须有孩子其他父母的护照/驾照的Certified Copy件,以及照片和签名;
语言要求的材料 English Language ability
- 申请人和随行子女(18/大于18岁)不能提供证明其英语水平的材料的,需要支付签证申请的第二批费用;
- 如果不能提供英语水平证明,可以说明支付签证申请的第二阶段费用;
- 证明英语水平的材料:
- 持有英国护照/美国护照/加拿大护照/新西兰护照/爱尔兰护照,且是这几个国家的公民;
- 雅思听说读写成绩平均4.5,签证申请前12个月完成语言考试/签证申请过程中完成;
- 托福作为第二语言考试,听说读写至少32分,签证申请前12个月完成语言考试/签证申请过程中完成;
- 英语培生语言考试,听说读写至少30分,签证申请前12个月完成语言考试/签证申请过程中完成;
- 剑桥英语:高级(GAE)听说读写至少147分,2015年1月1日之后考取的,签证申请前12个月完成语言考试/签证申请过程中完成;
- 由澳大利亚成人移民英语评估机构评估申请人有基本的英语能力的证明;
- 再到州境内或境外完成基础教育/至少3年的中学教育,都采用英语教学的证明;
- 在澳境内境外完成至少5年的中学教育,且全部英文教学;
- 完成至少一年的全日制学习/等同于全日制学习的非全日制学习,且英语教学的证明;
- 英语交际功能(ACCESS)评估材料,签证申请前12个月完成语言考试/签证申请过程中完成;
- Applicants and dependants (18 years and older) who cannot provide evidence of having at least functional English must pay a second instalment of the visa application charge. If they have less than functional English, provide a statement indicating your intention to pay the second instalment of the visa application charge.
- To prove you have functional English you must provide evidence of one of the following:
- You are the holder of a valid passport issued by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, or the Republic of Ireland and you are a citizen of that country.
- An International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test result of an average band score of at least 4.5 based on the four test components of speaking, reading, listening and writing. Your test must have been completed within 12 months of visa application lodgement or can be completed during visa application processing.
- A Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) test result of a total band score of at least 32 based on the four test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Your test must have been completed within 12 months of visa application lodgement or can be completed during visa application processing.
- A Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic test result of an overall band score of at least 30 based on the four test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Your test must have been completed within 12 months of visa application lodgement or can be completed during visa application processing.
- A Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test result of an overall band score of at least 147 based on the four test components of speaking, reading, writing and listening and the test must have been taken on or after 1 January 2015. Your test must have been completed within 12 months of visa application lodgement or can be completed during visa application processing.
- A positive assessment by an Adult Migrant English Program service provider in Australia that you have functional English.
- Completed all years of primary education and at least three years of secondary education in an educational institution in or outside Australia and all instructions were in English.
- Completed at least five years of secondary education in an institution in or outside Australia and all instructions were in English.
- Successfully completed at least one year of full-time study or equivalent part-time study towards a degree, higher degree, diploma, or associate diploma in an institution in Australia and all instructions were in English.
- Completed a degree, a higher degree, a diploma or a trade certificate that required at least two years of full-time study or training in an institution in or outside Australia and all instructions were in English.
- The functional level of the Australian Assessment of Communicative English Skills (ACCESS) test certified by the relevant testing body. Your test must have been completed within 12 months of visa application lodgement or can be completed during visa application processing.
其他材料 Other Documents
- 如果申请人不是在澳长期居住的(在澳境外的其他国家居住),申请人需要提供与澳频繁往来的证据;
- 与澳洲亲戚朋友经常的信件往来的材料/由于商务/文化/或者个人的某些原因频繁往来澳洲的原因;
- 在澳的经济或者商业利益;
- 提供1981年在澳服兵役的证明(适用);
- If you are applying against the “long residence” requirement, evidence of your ties with Australia and that you have kept these ties while you have been living overseas:
- regular correspondence with relatives or friends in Australia
- frequent visits to Australia for business, cultural or personal reasons
- economic or business interests in Australia, with proof of an ongoing and active interest.
- If you are applying against the “Defence service” requirement, evidence of service with the Australian Defence Forces before 1981 (if applicable).