116 和 836 签证的核心区别就是 116 在澳洲境外申请,836 在澳洲境内申请(当前已经在澳洲有合法签证)。
适用人群 Who could get this visa
- 申请人需要照顾在澳的需要被长期照顾的亲属;
- assist a relative in providing this care to a member of their family unit living in their household;
- 申请人的亲属(家庭成员)有医疗签证服务,your relative (or their family member) has their medical condition assessed by Bupa Medical Visa Services as being one which significantly affects them in attending to the practical aspects of daily life and which will need direct care for at least two years
Bupa Medical Visa Services: http://www.bupamvs.com.au/
- 申请人的在澳亲属无法获得获得其他在澳亲属的照顾,澳洲社会福利,医院或社区护理服务的;
- 申请人愿意且能够提供持久的护理,提前了解在澳亲属需要什么样的需求;
- 在澳亲属或其配偶能够为申请人提供担保;
- 申请人和家庭成员符合体检和无犯罪标准;
116护工签证申请人在澳亲属 Your Relative in Australia
- 申请人在澳亲属是澳洲usually resident/或者在澳定居的;
- 需要被护理的在澳亲属/家庭成员要求:
- 澳洲公民;
- 澳洲永久居民;
- 合法新西兰公民;
- 担保人年龄需18岁/大于18岁;
Usually resident/settled: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Brin/Defi
You can apply for this visa if the relative who needs care or assistance is usually resident and settled in Australia. The relative must be your partner, child, parent, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew (or step-equivalent).
Both this relative (and the member of their family who needs care, where applicable) must be either:
- an Australian citizen
- an Australian permanent resident
- an eligible New Zealand citizen.
If you are applying for this visa so you can assist your relative to care for a member of their family, they must both live in the same house.
116护工签证担保人 the sponsor
- 需要护理或者帮助的在澳亲属或者其家庭成员;
- 与在澳担保亲属居住在一起的配偶或同居者;(同时需符合申请人在澳亲属的要求,参照上一条);
- 担保人必须年满18/大于18岁;
- 澳洲公民
- 澳洲永久居民;
- 新西兰合格公民;
116护工签证担保人医疗状况 the medical condition
- 长期或永久的医疗条件,在澳亲属或家庭成员需要日常护理;
- 护理至少需要两年的时间;
- The medical condition has been assessed by Bupa Medical Visa Services. See Medical assessment of the person needing care for more information.
Medical assessment of the person needing care网址:http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/116-
Bupa Medical Visa Services网址: http://www.bupamvs.com.au/
Care link网址: http://www9.health.gov.au/ccsd/
需要被护理的在澳亲属的健康状况的评估 Medical Assesement of the person needing care
在澳需要护理亲属或其家庭成员需要由Buda Medical Visa Services评估其健康状况;评估中心电话:1300 794 919;需要说明健康评估目的是申请护理签证(116 Visa);如果没有安排此类评估申请不被认可
- 根据当前人类服务部使用的减值表出具等级/健康分数证明,评估支付残疾福利金的数额; -证明在澳亲属在未来2年内健康状况影响自我照顾能力/生活需求(衣食住行等等);
- 提供为在澳亲属需要护理类型的的声明;
- includes a rating or score based on the Impairment Tables currently used by the Department of Human Services to assess eligibility for payment of the Disability Support Pension
- states whether your relative has a medical condition that will affect their ability to attend to their needs (such as eating, dressing, hygiene, mobility and medical supervision) for at least the next two years
- includes an assessment of the type of assistance required to manage those needs.
- 健康评估使用减值表不符合健康最低标准(目前是30分);
- 两年内,在澳亲属健康状况不会影响其自我照顾的能力;
- 不大可能需要直接援助;
- does not meet the minimum threshold rating (currently 30) using the Impairment Tables
- does not cause significant impairment of the person’s ability to attend to the practical aspects of daily life
- is not likely to require direct assistance for at least two years.
116护工签证申请中包括的家庭成员 Including family in your application
- 申请人配偶(法定婚姻关系或者同居关系);
- 申请人和配偶的子女;
- 其他的亲属/亲戚;
- You can include the following people in your visa application at the time of lodgement:
- your partner (married or de facto)
- your or your partner’s dependent children
- other dependent relatives.
- These family members must meet the requirements for including family members in your application. The application must include documentary evidence of their relationship to you.
- Your family members must be able to show that they meet health and character requirements.
116护工签证申请方式 How to apply
116护工签证材料清单 Documents Checklist
提供材料的Certified Copy件,非英文的材料需要提供英文翻译件,除非特别要求下再提供材料原件,例如无犯罪证明等。
Form47:http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/47of.pdf Form40(担保人需要完成): http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/40.pdf
Form47A(申请人子女或家庭成员): http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/47a.pdf Form1229(申请人18岁以下的子女): http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1229.pdf
116护工签证Receiving Assiatance 类材料
Form956(个人或者机构代理填写): http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956a.pdf Form956A(如果需要别人带自己收信件): http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956a.pdf
116护工签证费用 Charges
116护工签证身份类材料 Your Identity
- 当前护照的信息页,以及申请包括的所有人的当前护照的信息页;
- 出生证明,户口本,提及申请包括的所有人的户口本(即便不跟随登陆澳洲),这些材料需要包括双亲的姓名;
- 申请人际申请中包括的他人的两张近期长宽4.5*3.5cm白底免冠照,每张照片后需要标注每个人对应的姓名(澳洲护照照片尺寸);
- 申请过程中申请人更名,需要提供更名证明;
- 曾经服兵役的申请人,需要提供服兵役记录或者退役证明文件;
116护工签证申请人亲属关系 Your Relationships
- 证明和担保人之间关系的材料(出生证明,结婚证明,死亡证明,收养证明,户口本);
- 申请人的结婚证;
- 申请人同居关系的情况下,需要提供证明说明至少已经同居12个月(银行存款或者账单,说明共同财产);
- 申请中包括的其他人(配偶已故的,离婚的,怀孕的,离婚的,死亡的,永久分居的),这些情况需要提供证明;
- 18岁/大于18岁不能经济独立子女(例如正在上学的子女);
- 出生证明/证明和申请人关系的文件;
- 证明和申请人在一个户口本上;
- 递交申请之前至少12个月内都在经济依赖申请人;
116护工签证子女 Your Children
- 出生证明或户口本证明子女和双亲关系;
- 对于收养子女需要提供收养证明;
- 大于18岁且不能经济独立的子女:
- 高等学校学习证明;
- 银行记录;
- 其他的经济类证明;
- 随行的收养子女或者继子女,其亲生父母不随行的情况,申请人需要提供合法监护权的证明:
- 子女过继证明(证明申请人拥有合法监护权);
- Statutory declaration-giving their permission;
- Form 1229-Consent from to grant an Australia visa to a child under the age of 18 years;
Statutory declaration: http://www.ag.gov.au/Publications/Documents/CommonwealthStatutorydeclarationform.pdf
Form 1229:http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1229.pdf
116护工签证担保人 Your sponsor
担保人是澳洲公民/澳洲永久居民/新西兰合法公民的证明; 担保人在澳洲定居的证明; 担保人是需要护理人的家庭成员的情况下: 证明担保人和需要护理人的家庭关系; 符合担保人条件的证明;
- Evidence that the sponsor is an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Evidence that the sponsor is settled and usually resident in Australia.
- If the person requiring care is a member of the sponsor’s family unit, evidence of both of the following:
- their family relationship with, or dependency on, the sponsor
- their status as an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
- The Bupa Medical Visa Services Carer Visa Assessment Certificate for the person who requires care or evidence that the Bupa Medical Visa Services assessment has begun (a letter from Bupa Medical Visa Services acknowledging your request for a care assessment).
- Evidence to show that the sponsor has tried to find and obtain care or assistance in Australia from services such as welfare, a hospital, nursing services or community services.
- Evidence to show that the sponsor has no other relatives in Australia who can provide the required care or assistance.
116护工签证官方网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Info