从 Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)父母探亲签证-澳洲(804 Visa) 继续讨论:
Aged Parent visa(subclass 804) 申请条件 Who could get this visa
- 申请人的子女,是澳大利亚公民,永久居民或者在新西兰合法居民
- 申请人的子女,在澳大利亚合法居住至少两年(在有力证明下,即使更短的时间也可以看做是澳大利亚公民)
- 符合年龄要求
- 通过balance-of-family测试
- 体检没问题并且无犯罪
- 有担保人(子女担保),递交申请之前,担保人必须在澳大利亚合法居住两年
Aged Parent visa(subclass 804) 年龄要求 Age requirements
男士一般指年龄65周岁以上,女士根据情况有变化。年龄要求网址: www.dss.gov.au/our-responsibilities/seniors/benefits-payments/age-pension.
Aged Parent visa(subclass 804) 担保人要求 Your sponsor
- 如果申请人的子女不满18岁,可以是子女的配偶(如果满18岁的情况下),同时是澳大利亚公民,永居或者合法新西兰公民;
- 子女的亲戚或者监护人(年满18岁的情况下),同时是澳大利亚公民,永居或者新西兰公民;
- 子女配偶的亲戚或者监护人(配偶未满18岁的情况下),同时是澳大利亚公民,永居或者新西兰公民;
担保人要求网址(合法新西兰公民): http://www.border.gov.au/Lega/Lega/Form/Immi-FAQs/what-is-an-eligible-new-zealand-citizen
健康要求 Health Requirements
健康要求网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Heal
无犯罪要求 Character requirements
无犯罪要求网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Char
澳大利亚政府债务 Debts to the Australian Government
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted. This also applies to all the dependent family members listed in the application, whether they are migrating or not.
生物识别技术 Provide biometrics
网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Biom
The Bakance-of-family test
- 申请人至少一半的子女生活在澳大利亚
- 相对于其他国家,申请人的大部分子女居住在澳大利亚
- 申请人子女在澳大利亚长居,而且必须是澳大利亚公民,永久居民或者在澳大利亚定居的新西兰合法居民Australian citizens;Australian permanent residents who usually live in Australia;eligible New Zealand citizens who usually live in Australia.持有短期学习签证的申请人子女不包括。
申请人以及配偶的继子女,领养子女同样也包括在 Balance-of-family test,除非:
- 已故的
- 通过收养或者法院命令取消父母的监护权
- 在联合国难民事务登记为难民或在难民区营地工作
- 居住在遭受迫害或者人权侵犯的国家,且不能与居住在他国的父母团聚
Your and your partner’s children, including stepchildren and adopted children, are counted in the balance-of-family test, unless they:are deceased;are removed from their parents’ legal custody by adoption or court order;are registered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as refugees and live in a camp operated by the UNHCR;live in a country where they suffer persecution or human rights abuse and cannot be reunited with their parents in another country.
- 申请人当前伴侣的孩子
- 未满18周岁,申请人和当前伴侣拥有抚养权;申请人前伴侣的孩子,或者是自己当前伴侣的前伴侣的孩子;
- 澳大利亚不承认的一夫多妻或者concurrent relationships,不能计算到balance-of-family test
A stepchild is either:your current partner’s child, or younger than 18 years of age and the legal responsibility of you or your partner and; the child of your former partner, or;the child of a former partner of your current partner; Stepchildren born from polygamous or concurrent relationships are not recognised in Australia and so they cannot be counted in the balance-of-family test.
申请中包括的家庭成员 Including family in your application
- 申请人的配偶(已婚的或者同居的)
- 申请人或者申请人配偶的子女
- 其他供养亲属
申请方式 How to allpy
如何申请804 aged parent visa (在递交申请和获签时,申请人必须身在澳大利亚)
- 材料准备阶段,之后附上详细材料清单,某些资料需要提前准备。
- 递交申请,完成相关表格,包括 Form 47PA (application for a parent to migrate wo Ausstralia),Form40(sponsorship for migration to Australia),Form47A (details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over)表等;
如果申请人有未完成的其他类型的父母签证的申请-例如,高龄父母签证(884或者864签证),之后希望改签到804签证,申请人必须在申请之前撤出其他签证申请。更多信息详见:Form 47PA(application for a parent to migrate wo Ausstralia)
If you have an unfinalised application for any other type of parent visa – for example, one of the Contributory Aged Parent (subclasses 884 and 864) visas - and want to switch to this visa, you must withdraw the other visa application at the same time or before you apply for this visa.
邮寄方式网址: http://www.border.gov.au/about/contact/offices-locations/australia
申请方式详细信息: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Info
递交申请之后After you have applied
- 等待审核-Wait for a decision:
- 如果申请不符合签证中心的要求,可能被放在其他地方等待符合要求,或者拒绝。如果在排队等待审核,签证中心会通知申请人具体的日期。公平公正起见,没有谁能更换顺序,即使申请人有更令人信服的情况。
- 当签证中心方便的时候。1. 会继续审核申请人的申请是否符合标准(包括健康和犯罪要求,还有一定的经济担保等);2. 如果申请人有资格获签,签证中心要求签证费分期付款;3. 签证中心对申请给出最终决定;
Parent Visa Queue Calculator可以帮助申请人测试前面等待审核的人数;申请此类型的签证需要持有Bridging Visa即临时签证以保证申请人在申请审核期间能在澳大利亚合法停留。如果申请人拥有A类临时签证,可以申请B类临时签证,方便在申请审核期间到澳大利亚境外旅游。
Wait for a decision
- Your application is assessed against the core requirements for this visa. It is then either placed in a queue to wait for a visa place to become available, or it is refused. If it is placed in a queue, we will let you know what your ‘queue date’ is. In the interest of fairness and equity, there is no provision to move your application ahead of others in the queue even if there are compelling and compassionate circumstances.
- When a visa place becomes available:
- we assess your application to check whether you still qualify for this visa (including health and character requirements and an assurance of support)
- if you qualify for this visa, we ask for the second installment of the visa application charge
- we make a final decision about your visa application.
- The Parent visa Queue Calculator lets you estimate how many people are ahead of you in the queue.
- If you apply for this visa in Australia, you would be able to get a Bridging visa that allows you to stay in the country lawfully while your application is processed. If you are given a Bridging visa A, you can apply for Bridging visa B to travel outside Australia while you wait for a decision.
- 提供更详细信息-Provide more information
- 申请审核期间,申请人可以补充信息,如果申请人想更改之前递交的信息,可以填写Form1023-Notification of incorrect answers表格;
We could also ask you for more information. You will have to respond by a set date. After that date, we can make a decision about your application using the information that we have.
If another person gives us information that could result in you being refused a visa, we will usually give you the opportunity to comment on the information.
You might also be interviewed. If you are asked to attend an interview in person, bring your passport or other identification and any requested documents to the interview.
- 情况的变动:Report changes in your circumstances
申请人需要及时通知移民局自己情况的变动,居住地址,新护照信息,怀孕出生死亡或者婚姻状况的变动;可以填写From 929表格,Form-1022表格;如果申请人不提供新护照的信息,可能会延迟申请。
If you do not provide us with the details of any new passport issued to you, you could experience significant delays at the airport and could be denied permission to board your plane.
- 撤销申请 Withdrawing Applications
可以在获签之前的任何时候撤销申请,需要给签证中心发邮件说明,需要注明申请人的全名,出生日期,可能的话,还有申请时签证中心给的号码–Reference Number, Client ID, Transaction Reference Number;
You can withdraw the application at any time before we make a decision. To do this, send us a letter or email to ask for the withdrawal. Your request must include your full name and date of birth. If you know it, you should also include the number we gave you when you applied – this could be a file reference number, client ID, or a Transaction Reference Number.
Parent Visa Queue Calculator网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Brin/Fami/Capping-and-queuing/Parent-visa-queue
A类过渡签证: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/010-
B类过渡签证: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/020-
Form1023-Notification of incorrect answers表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1023.pdf
审核标准网址: http://www.border.gov.au/AccessandAccountability/Pages/visa-processing-service-standards.aspx
家庭成员要求: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Brin/Fami/Capping-and-queuing/Parent-visa-queue
撤销申请发件邮箱地址: [email protected]
担保 Assurance of Support
- AUD5000-主申请人
- AUD2000-申请中包括的每个家庭成员
- 报答之前在澳洲接受的社会福利的资金
- lodge a bond for each applicant aged 18 years or older:
- AUD5000 — for the main applicant
- AUD2000 — for each adult family member included in your application.
- repay any recoverable social security payments you receive in the first two years of living in Australia.
If the assurer is an organisation, a larger bond is required for each application.
详尽保障金要求网址: http://www.humanservices.gov.au/
签证审核 Visa Decision
- 可以使用该签证的时间;
- 签证号码;
- 某些限制条件;
- 拒签的原因;
- 复审的权利和条件;
- 申诉的截止日期或者有效期限;
If the visa is granted, we will let you know:
- when you can use the visa
- the visa grant number
- any conditions attached to the visa.
You will not have a visa label placed in your passport.If the visa is not granted, we will let you know:
- why the visa was refused
- your review rights (if any). Where applicable, your sponsor can apply for the decision to be reviewed
- the time limit for lodging an appeal.
Visa Label表格: http://www.border.gov.au/aboutyourvisa
从 Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) 澳洲父母团聚移民签证 继续讨论:
澳洲804签证材料清单-Documents Checklist
提供申请材料,一般是原件的Certified Copy 件,没有特殊要求不要提供原件。无犯罪证明需要是原件;非英文的材料需要提供英文翻译。
- Form 47PA+++Application for a parent to migrate to Australia;
- Form 40+++Sponsorship for migration to Australia;
- Form 47A+++Details of child or other dependent family member aged 18 years or over
Receiving Assistance
- Form 956–(如果有代理帮助申请人进行申请,需要填写956表格)Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance if you have someone assist you with your application.
- Form 956A–Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient if you have someone receive correspondence from us on your behalf.
- 支付第一阶段的费用,签证费用会有一个测评表格针对不同的申请进行测试,明确费用;
Pay the first instalment of the visa application charge.
费用测试表格网址: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/804-
身份-Your identity
- 当前护照的首页(个人信息页),澳洲签证页的Certified Copy件;
- 如果申请人在申请过程中更名,需要提供更名证明;
- Certified copies of the biographical pages of the current passports or travel documents that you, your partner and your dependants used to enter Australia, and of any passports held since then.
- If your name has changed or the name of anyone included in your application has changed: a certified copy of evidence of the name change.
亲属关系-Your relationships
- 结婚证的Certified Copy件,如果有不随行成员也需要提供此证件;
- 同居关系的,有证据证明关系合法且持久(辅政材料:联合银行账户报表,共同资产声明等);
- 申请人为鳏夫或者寡妇的,离婚的或者分居的,需要出具死亡/离婚证明或者分居的法定声明(statutory declaration); http://www.ag.gov.au/Publications/Documents/CommonwealthStatutorydeclarationform.pdf
- 18岁/大于18岁的的子女的经济不独立证明(辅政材料包括);
- 出生证明,证明和申请人关系的文件;
- 如果不是配偶和子女,需要证明他们包括在申请人的户口本上;
- 证明他们一直依赖申请人至少12个月(递交申请之前);
- Certified copies of marriage certificates or relationship registrations for you and anyone else included in your application, even if they are not joining you in Australia.
- If you are living in a de facto relationship: independent evidence that your relationship is genuine and continuing (for example, joint bank account statements, billing accounts in joint names or joint ownership of major assets).
- If you or anyone included in the application has been widowed, divorced or permanently separated: a certified copy of the death certificate, divorce documents, or statutory declaration separation documents.
- Evidence of financial dependency for all dependants aged 18 or older:
- a certified copy of their birth certificate and proof of their relationship to you
- If your relative is not your partner or child: proof they live in your household
- proof that your relative has been dependent on you for at least the 12 months immediately before you lodge your application.
申请人子女 Your Children
- 子女的出生证明,户口本证明申请人子女/继子女双亲的名字,即便他们不随行移民澳洲;
- 收养子女,需要出具收养证明;
- 如果申请人想携带未成年孩子移民澳大利亚,且孩子的其他父母不包括在这个申请中,需要提供法定证明证明有这样做的权利;辅政材料包括如下:
- 具有法律效力的法院签发的监护权证明;
- Statutory declaration
- Form 1229 Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years
申请人使用了1229表格或者Statutory declaration的情况下,需要提供孩子其他父母的身份证明文件的Certified Copy件,例如护照或者驾照以及照片和签名样;
担保人 Your Sponsor
- 出生证明
- 澳大利亚护照/国外护照来证明在澳洲永居;
- 澳洲公民证明;
- 对于新西兰公民,在澳洲的居住时间的证明;
申请人和担保子女关系证明Certified Copy件:
- 出生证明;
- 户口本;
- 以及证明关系的其他文件;
担保人是你子女的亲戚/配偶/监护人,此类情况下的关系证明的Certified Copy件,包括:
- 出生证明;
- 户口本;
- 结婚证;
- 监护权证明;
- 其他有效的证明担保人和申请人子女间关系的文件;
- 营业执照;
- 法人代表(董事会或者管理委员会);
- 资金支持证明(证明有能力支付申请人抵达澳洲的开销);
Form47 PA表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/47pa.pdf Form40 表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/40.pdf Form47A 表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/47a.pdf Form956 表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956.pdf Form9569A表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/956a.pdf Statutory declaration: http://www.ag.gov.au/Publications/Documents/CommonwealthStatutorydeclarationform.pdf Form 1229表格: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1229.pdf